Jag kommer aldrig sluta förvånas över de totalt absurda saker som vissa människor tror på, homeopati till exempel, men när det gäller denna kommentaren kan jag bara säga wow. Inget annat beskriver det!
January 30th, 2008 at 2:55 pm
Hi everybody. I am glad to see that depleted uranium is such a concern to many and it is being investigated but I have a theory on why it is so bad and why there is so much trouble in Iraq. I think when you read the theory you will realize it is the reason why we see so many problems.
Remember uranium comes from the ground. The ground, earth, is a base. It is from where we are grounded and it is always neutral in all things. The earth is a neutral solid and quiet and peace. To be neutral there must be balance. So when the uranium comes from the ground it is balanced with positive and negative energy. But then we want to use the uranium for making power or making a bomb. We need positive energy for this so we separate the good neutral and peaceful rock. We take out the kind of material which has positive energy because we can use this to make energy.
But this is were we have the problem. All things are positive and negative energy. Negative energy is sickness, tiredness, death, dark. Positive energy is light, life, vigor, health. But positive energy is not always good, because evil is not dark energy. Evil is an imbalance of negative energy and positive energy. Negative energy has it's place. There is a place for darkness and sleep and death needs to come, but positive energy is power and light. This is why you can make a bomb out of positive energy too.
But the uranium left over is all the negative energy (because remember we were neutral to begin with and we took away the kind that gives us power and light and heat). So the negative energy uranium is what we have that we shoot at Iraq and other places and our soldiers touch. Here is the problem: iraq was neutral like all earth to begin with and this is good. But we put so much NEGATIVE URANIUM on the country that it has upset the balance. Now we have it being negative. Too much negative energy is bad health and tiredness. So people are sick (remember we need some negative energy because if you have too much positive you cannot sleep and you will not calm down). People are sick because the negative energy has soaked up their positive energy and they have poor health.
Iraq is sick too but worse. Earth can tell there is too much negative energy there and she wants to rebalanced the negative and positive. But the imbalance means turmoil because she tries to bring back balance and gets unstable. A bad energy balance is what causes conflict and turmoil. People who live there are not in a good solid energy state but in an energy state which is always changing and is unstable and not in balance.
They cannot help if there is conflict and war and hatred because you cannot have a life full of love and you are always angry and in bad spirit when you live in that. Plus our troops are sick from the negative energy which sops up their auras and leaves only blackness or parts of darkness to their spirit. It takes time for that to recover (if ever).
So there is nobody at fault here. Not Bush or America or Iraq. The problem is nobody understood the energy problem of depleted uranium. But now we do and with my new theory we can start to ask how to heal the earth!Blessings to everyone who cares and for those who do not double blessings, because they need it the most!
Herregud. :|
Hur dumma människor man än stöter på, så finns det alltid dummare!
"People who live there are not in a good solid energy state" - jag tror min hjärna just imploderade av dumhetschock.
Man ska nog aldrig underskatta människors dumhet. men även min hjärna har svårt att ta till sig den fulla absurditeten av vad den där kvinnan skrev!
Det där var ärkeskumt. Men iofs inte så mycket värre än vad audiofiler och tillverkare påstår om sina magiska högtalarkablar och stenblock man ska lägga på CD-spelaren...
Men jag har en fråga nu, dock ett litet sidospår: Om nu man kommer att tillämpa SKB-3, kan man då i framtiden gräva upp "kärnavfallet" ur lagret igen enkelt om man skulle börja använda breederreaktorer?
Har hört lite rykten om de där kablarna :)
Jodå KBS-3 är utvecklat med tanke på att man ska kunna plocka upp avfallet igen ifall man hittar på bättre sätt att ta hand om det. Jag tror det är en av grundprinciperna för svensk avfallsförvaring och en anledning till att man kan förkasta miljöföreningarnas djupa borrhål fetisch.
Det låter ju bra det, pinsamt att jag råkat få bokstäverna i fel ordning dock. Inte konstigt att jag hade svårt att hitta något om det.
Har du läst den här förresten, om MSRE? De provade både att köra uran 235 och uran 233 i den:
Hittade länken på wikipedia:
Tänkte inte ens på hur du skrev :) Brukar ofta råka skriva KSB-3. Ett jäkla osexigt namn är det iallafall! Det finns otroligt mycket artiklar om slutförvaring på SKB's hemsida, all deras forskning publiceras öppet där.
Molten salt reaktorer är mina favoriter :)
mitt magisterexamensarbete i reaktorfysik som jag gör nu under vårtermine kommer handlar om msr. Kommer förmodligen skriva en hel del om frammöver om jag får tummen ur.
Kolla gärna in forumet som finns på sidan där artikeln är föresten, http://www.energyfromthorium.com/forum/ några riktiga msr eldsjälar där och fantastiskt spännande diskussioner.